Monday, June 21, 2010

Phase 1: New playground at the 1-5 campus

This playground project will be implemented in phases. The first one is to create an entire new playground at the 1-5 campus. As soon as we found out we were funded for this project, we ordered some playground equipment from a company in the neighboring town of Kriva Palanka: three teeter totters, a swing set, three teeter totters, a slide, a climbing rope, a picnic bench, and some trashcans.

This week the company started installing the new equipment!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Let the Good News Roll!

Over the last few months we've been in contact with an international voluntourism organization named Bauorden about coming and helping us reconstruct the playground...Got the confirmation today. They are coming!!!

I spoke with Stina Steingraeber, director for Bauorden's international projects, and she informed me that we will be hosting five volunteers from Germany and two from Austria. In addition to helping us with the work, they will also help finance a portion of the project. The race is on to find a few families who are willing to be "host families" for the volunteers!

Here is a link to their website:

Monday, June 7, 2010

This Summer...

Ah, how bright the immediate future looks! Jessica and I just found out that we got approved for a Small Project Assistance grant (SPA) from the Peace Corps!

The project is to construct what will be the first public park in Kratovo at the 1-5 grade school and reconstruct the schoolyard between the middle and high school.

Currently, the grounds at Koco Racin Elementary School are in very poor condition. There is offensive graffiti covering the walls of the schools and gymnasium, broken concrete and asphalt chunks lying around on the ground, the fence around the mini-football field is in disrepair and there is no playground equipment at all. Also, the grounds surrounding the mini-football field is very uneven, full of holes and cracks, and along with the broken concrete and asphalt chunks makes the area unsafe. Beyond safety concerns this is not a very functional or pleasant place to play. This is not a family friendly space where parents can come with their children and everyone can socialize. Beautifying the school grounds, leveling out the area surrounding the mini-football field with cement, fixing part of the fence of mini-football field, and adding a playground at the schools will greatly assist in youth and community development in Kratovo. Having specified play areas for school-aged children will help with their social growth and their learning to cooperate with others.

We will plan to have an opening ceremony event to promote the new facility in Kratovo. This opening event will include games, relay races, and numerous activities for children/teenagers.These events will keep raising awareness of the playground’s existence as well as promote the social and physical fitness aspects we hope the playground and football field will enable in the future. Once complete, the playground and the newly beautified school grounds will be under the Municipality of Kratovo and the Koco Racin Elementary School and they will be in charge of maintenance.

Here are some pictures of what the schoolyard between the middle and high schools looks like: